Creative Initiative

The concepts played with is new life! As the artist I reflect that this probably stems from my a knowing that planet earth is shifting to new consciousness

The concepts played with is new life! As the artist I reflect that this probably stems from my a knowing that planet earth is shifting to a new consciousness as part of the natural evolutionary processes. A process that should be gracefully accepted as beautiful, colorful, exciting and dynamic! Celia is from Sydney, Australia creating paintings, drawings and pastels to encourage & inspire life to remain dynamic, new & fresh. Her bold, warm colours and dynamic, organic lines move exuding life, joy, movement and a sense of the spiritual that she believes exists in everything. Celia is inspired by nature and spirit & the desire to stay alive, challenged & continue to enjoy life, living in the now, every day, moment-to-moment. Celia seeks to express the joy of living & experiencing the world through alive & curious eyes. Celia is also an avid surfer, loving the alive feeling of riding the ocean, nature. Celia would love to see the merging of creativity, spirituality & surfing Celias artistic practice is interdisciplinary, in not just about visual arts creativity. It is collaborating with people to foster creativity & intuition; question & step out of comfort zones. She believes planet earth is evolving into a new paradigm where the old way of being, which is led by the fear based ego centered mind is falling away (mental health, suicide, earth shifts, weather patterns changing, environmental awareness growing, health consciousness expanding). Our consciousness is to become less ‘me’ focused & more world unified. We are moving into a consciousness that is led by our Intuition or our Spiritual Warrior Self. This self resides in the heart. So many in society feel like we are on auto-pilot. Dreams and passions are not followed. We feel unfulfilled, unmotivated. There is an underlying need & want to change but we feel too scared, confused or overwhelmed to even know where to begin. Celia’s art practice is in service to facilitating this change. Life is to live now!

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